Kindly supported by European Society of Onclogic Imaging
The online University Master course takes place entirely in English and aims to provide integrated notions of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine in the field of oncologic imaging.It is aimed at graduates in Medicine and Surgery and Board certified in Radiology or Nuclear Medicine.Learners will acquire knowledge of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine in oncologic imaging, with the ability to manage the diagnostic pathways of oncologic patients.
The Master includes the following Modules
Imaging Techniques
Physical principles of modern radiological and hybrid imaging equipments required in oncologic imaging. Imaging protocols, optimization of the use of contrast agents, radiopharmaceuticals, and radiation dose.
Imaging biomarkers
Physical principles and applications of imaging biomarkers in oncology.
The Module is divided into two parts:
1) physical principles: the student acquires an adequate basic knowledge on the nature and classification of imaging biomarkers and on the development and clinical validation pathways. 2) clinical applications: the main imaging biomarkers in oncology will be illustrated, which, by passing the validation phase, can be used in the clinical setting.
Diagnostic pathways
The module provides specific knowledge on the appropriate use of integrated imaging (radiological and nuclear medicine) in the various diagnostic and therapeutic oncological pathways.
Evaluation of response to treatment
The Module foresees the training in reporting for clinical trials (RECIST and beyond)
Multidisciplinary teams
The Module allows to acquire knowledge and skills in participation in multidisciplinary oncological groups. The lessons in the classroom will provide knowledge to deal with a multidisciplinary management of clinical oncological cases, according to a path defined as follows:
1) structure of a multidisciplinary oncology group;
2) preparation of the cases that will be discussed;
3) professional issues